What motivates you…

What motivates you? The best revenge is a life well lived… something an old colleague of my partners said. So I suppose thats what motivates me! All those people that have tried to ruin me, bullied me, abused me, called me thick and said I would never be anyone.. watch this space! Because I am …

Ashley Leia

When I first started this blog…a person I didn’t know started to comment on my posts, giving me kind words, encouragement and support. When she started following my blog, I followed hers back and learnt she was a psychiatric nurse retired due to severe depression. Her posts were insightful, funny and inspirational. We had a …

My Pensieve

Five years ago, I was raped by someone I would never have believed it of, somebody I loved, somebody I would have trusted with my life. During that attack my whole world shattered. I managed somehow to get myself home and to some extent I managed to block it out. I scrubbed myself with a …

Just a little reminder to myself… (TW self harm)

Despite being on the verge of another police investigation and despite the fact i feel my PTSD is getting bad again.. this little reminder popped up on my phone today and it absolutely stunned me! Almost 8 months since I intentionally hurt myself! This is huge!! Last time I was going through this sort of …

Stiff upper lip or self sabotage?

Growing up British and in a household with two seriously ill brothers I was taught the stiff upper lip, it’s not that bad approach from a very early age. I learnt to suppress emotions and feelings very well and I grew up believing that I was quite a robust tough woman, if I ever felt …

Not all men….

I haven’t written anything on here for quite some time, I’ve been staying off social media and generally trying to come to terms with the stuff I deal with in EMDR and just generally trying to get on with life. But I feel I need to get this off my chest! So excuse me for …

Can you work in care if you actually care?

Here in the U.K., care jobs are aplenty, homecare, residential care, specialist care etc etc.. it’s not hard to get a care job and a lot of people unfortunately get one because it’s easy to get in. the money isn’t great and the hours are long so if you aren’t the sort of person who …

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